Kids Konnection

Directed by Heidi Varansky
Kid's Konnection is a program designed with children in mind--every child enrolled in preschool through 6th grade is welcome! This program was developed by our Church to reach the children in our community for God. It is held every Wednesday evening from 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. This annual program offers Bible lessons taken directly from the Bible, class time, music, videos, crafts, games, and much, much more! A healthy snack is also provided with a nutritious drink. There isn't any cost to you, but a free-will offering is taken each week. This offering is used to help fund this program. Parents are always welcome to stop by, and experience the Kid's Konnection Program! Parents, please do not drop your children off before 5:45 because their is no Supervision. Please use the front entrance, as you will need to stop by, with your child, at our welcome center to register. All students will be dismissed from the Sanctuary at 8:00pm. For more information, please contact Heidi Varansky at [email protected]
You may also log on to our Web Site for cancellations, or Listen to WTUZ 99.9 on your Radio for Cancellation Notices.
*** We also have a new call-em-all system that Kids Konnection families will all be a part of. It helps us to reach all families at once with a recorded message allowing us to update you with Kids Konnection News and Cancellations.
Kids Konnection Mission Statement
Please keep in mind that inclement weather is possible throughout the winter months. Anytime that the Tusky Valley School district cancels, the church will automatically cancel the evening's Kids Konnection program. If weather hits after school, and we feel that the safety of our children is in question, we will cancel the program as well. We will always make a cancellation announcement on the homepage of our website, on our Facebook profile (add us!), and on 99.9 FM WTUZ. We'll also contact parents through our automated phone system. If in doubt, call the church at 330-859-2724..
Kid's Konnection is a program designed with children in mind--every child enrolled in preschool through 6th grade is welcome! This program was developed by our Church to reach the children in our community for God. It is held every Wednesday evening from 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. This annual program offers Bible lessons taken directly from the Bible, class time, music, videos, crafts, games, and much, much more! A healthy snack is also provided with a nutritious drink. There isn't any cost to you, but a free-will offering is taken each week. This offering is used to help fund this program. Parents are always welcome to stop by, and experience the Kid's Konnection Program! Parents, please do not drop your children off before 5:45 because their is no Supervision. Please use the front entrance, as you will need to stop by, with your child, at our welcome center to register. All students will be dismissed from the Sanctuary at 8:00pm. For more information, please contact Heidi Varansky at [email protected]
You may also log on to our Web Site for cancellations, or Listen to WTUZ 99.9 on your Radio for Cancellation Notices.
*** We also have a new call-em-all system that Kids Konnection families will all be a part of. It helps us to reach all families at once with a recorded message allowing us to update you with Kids Konnection News and Cancellations.
Kids Konnection Mission Statement
- To impact the children of our community with the message of Christ's unconditional love.
- Encourage children to grow in a personal relationship with Christ.
- To foster growth through Biblical teaching, role modeling, and self-esteem building.
- Reminding each child--they are somebody special--created with a plan and purpose.
Please keep in mind that inclement weather is possible throughout the winter months. Anytime that the Tusky Valley School district cancels, the church will automatically cancel the evening's Kids Konnection program. If weather hits after school, and we feel that the safety of our children is in question, we will cancel the program as well. We will always make a cancellation announcement on the homepage of our website, on our Facebook profile (add us!), and on 99.9 FM WTUZ. We'll also contact parents through our automated phone system. If in doubt, call the church at 330-859-2724..